As a child, Susan kept a stack of favorite books next to, or under, her bed. She graduated with honors from Northern Kentucky University, elementary education degree in hand. Later, Susan earned a master’s degree in the same field. In an inner-city Kentucky school, Susan made children’s literature the focal point of her teaching strategy and was selected to participate in the NKU Writing Project.
After having three sons, Susan entered the world of home education and found her college education to be invaluable again as she endeavored to keep her sons’ studies centered in age-appropriate literature. During those years, Susan was entrusted with leadership of church-based academic teams for students. She wrote, illustrated, and self-published a focused children’s curriculum which was distributed statewide.
Though her children are now grown, Susan continues to be involved in education as a literacy coach at a nearby elementary school. She and her husband of over thirty years are joyful partners in their new adventure as grandparents.
Susan is proud to be represented by Hartline Literary Agency and Cyle Young. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and Word Weavers International.
Her work has multiple appearances in Focus on the Family’s children’s magazines (Clubhouse and Clubhouse Jr.), Keys for Kids, Unlocked for Teens, and Guideposts Online. Susan has won awards in the genres of women’s fiction, flash fiction, poetry, children’s picture books, and children’s early readers. She has published in short story collections and inspirational works such as Love and Care for the One and Only You and More Christmas Moments.
Susan’s debut book with Familius Publishing will appear in 2021—more details soon.
(Follow the links below to discover more about Susan below.)